AustralAVEX was created thanks to funding provided by the Vice-Chancellor for Research, Technological Development and Artistic Creation, at Universidad Austral de Chile (UACh), and the support from FONDECYT Project 1161224 (National Funding for Scientific and Technological Development). It is the only Experimental Aviary in South America set up to work with aquatic birds in temporary captivity. AustralAVEX is located at the Quempillén Experimental Station, in the city of Ancud (Chiloé, Chile). It has facilities and equipment for conducting ex-situ experimental studies with aquatic birds (specially designed for shorebirds), employing high-level standards.
AustralAVEX harbors four experimental aviaries, each measuring 10 m2, with a pool, natural light and controlled temperature. The annex has a lab space of 40 m2, to monitor experimental animal subjects, with the use of quantitative magnetic resonance imaging, flow respirometers, and 24/7 camera tracking.